
We are always looking for new, motivated colleagues who can identify with our corporate philosophy and who want to join us on the road to a successful and solid future.

You can find our current vacancies below. Simply click on the desired position to view the details of this job.

Then click on "Apply now" and complete the form within 30 seconds. Without CV and letter of motivation!

In the next few days, one of our employees will contact you and ask you a few questions in a short chat lasting about 10 minutes so that we can quickly find out together whether the position meets your requirements and whether your profile matches our job requirements.


  • Du entwickelst und setzt die E-Commerce-Strategie um und bist für das kontinuierliche Wachstum unseres Online-Shops verantwortlich
  • Der Online-Shop wird von dir hinsichtlich Nutzerfreundlichkeit, Conversion-Rate und Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO) stetig optimiert
  • Um den Traffic und die Verkäufe zu steigern, konzipierst und setzt Du Onsite-Kampagnen um
  • Des Weiteren analysierst du regelmäßig die Performance des Shops und leitest daraus konkrete Maßnahmen ab
  • Die Steuerung von Agenturen und Dienstleistern gehört ebenso zu deinen Aufgaben wie die Überwachung der Einhaltung der Projektziele (in time, in scope, in budget)
  • Einführung eines KPI-Systems zur Überwachung der Shop-Performance 
  • Verantwortung für alle Kern-Prozesse im Webshop sowie zwischen den Systemen und Marktplätzen
  • Trendbeobachtung und Marktanalyse - Beobachtung des E-Commerce-Marktes und stetige Weiterentwicklung des Onlineshops.



  • Du eine abgeschlossene Ausbildung oder ein Studium und mehrjährige Berufserfahrung im E-Commerce, idealerweise im Bereich D2C und Marketplaces, vorweisen kannst.
  • Du fundierte Kenntnisse in Shop-Systemen (Shopware), SEO, SEA, Analytics und E-Mail-Marketing besitzt.
  • Du über Kenntnisse von PIM-Systemen und CMS wie z.B. Atropim und Typo3 hast.
  • Deine ausgeprägten analytischen Fähigkeiten es dir ermöglichen, Daten zu interpretieren und Entscheidungen zu treffen.
  • Du ein hohes Maß an Eigenmotivation, Kreativität sowie ausgezeichnete Kommunikationsfähigkeiten in Deutsch und Englisch mitbringst.
  • Du durch deine Kooperationsfähigkeit effektiv in funktionsübergreifenden Teams arbeiten kannst.



  • Flexible Arbeitszeiten
  • Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
  • Hohes Maß an Eigenverantwortung
  • Kostenlose betriebliche Krankenzusatzversicherung
  • Betriebliche Altersvorsorge
  • Interessantes und vielfältiges Aufgabenfeld
  • Vermögenswirksame Leistungen
  • Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeld


  • You will be responsible for the complete set-up of the machines.
  • You will carry out first part control measurements and control measurements according to test instructions, using measuring equipment such as calipers and plug gauges.
  • You will operate and monitor our modern turning and turning-milling machines.
  • Independently set up and run in the machines on the basis of pre-prepared programmes.
  • Together with our external programming department, you will develop and implement process and programme optimisations.



  • you have completed training as a cutting machine operator specialising in turning technology.
  • you are flexible and reliable.
  • you have no problem with shift work (3-shift operation)
  • you have basic programming skills in DIN 66025.



  • Development opportunities
  • High degree of personal responsibility
  • Free supplementary company health insurance
  • Company pension scheme
  • Interesting and varied field of activity
  • Performance-related pay plus holiday and Christmas bonuses


  • Maintaining and expanding existing business relationships with existing customers.
  • Independent support of a sales area in accordance with the sales philosophy as described in the job description.
  • Independent calculation of welded constructions and turned parts.
  • If possible, independent preparation and follow-up of quotations.
  • Observation, control of call-off orders and, if necessary, further agreements with the customer.
  • Gathering and analysing information on new customers (Google, sales team telephone).
  • Contact person for customers in technical and commercial matters.
  • Order and data entry in INFRA.
  • Efficient deadline monitoring via Outlook (tasks).
  • Independent preparation of business analyses and statistics according to specifications.



  • you have completed a commercial or technical apprenticeship in a metalworking company.
  • you have 3 years of professional experience in a manufacturing company.
  • you have a very good command of written and spoken English.
  • you have excellent Excel skills.
  • you have a technical understanding.



  • flexible working hours
  • development opportunities
  • High degree of personal responsibility
  • Free supplementary company health insurance
  • Company pension scheme
  • Interesting and varied field of activity


  • As an industrial clerk, you will learn, for example, how to purchase goods, manage stock levels, calculate order and project costs and monitor the production process. You can also accept orders, conduct sales negotiations, create invoices and handle accounting processes, take care of customs clearance and see how the goods get from A to B.



  • A secondary school leaving certificate with further education
  • strong communication skills
  • a confident manner
  • Ability to work in a team
  • Written and spoken English
  • Excel and Word skills



  • Permanent employment after the apprenticeship
  • Apprenticeship salary: (in € gross per month)
    1st year of apprenticeship: € 1,020
    2nd year of apprenticeship: € 1,130
    3rd year of apprenticeship: € 1,240
    4th year of apprenticeship: € 1.350
  • Holiday and Christmas bonus
  • Free supplementary company health insurance

That is up to you, just as you like. By mail or by mail.

The easiest way to process applications is to send them to us by e-mail: bewerbung@ms-armaturen.de. This ensures that they reach the right person quickly and can be answered quickly. In this way, they will reach the right contact person quickly and securely and can be answered quickly. Alternatively, you can also send your documents by post to the following address: M&S Armaturen GmbH, Human Resources Department, Industriestrasse 24-26, 26446 Friedeburg.

However, spontaneous visits are a little difficult, as our contact persons are often involved in appointments or discussions.

Not only grades or skills are important for us - chemistry also plays an important role. We are looking for employees who fit into our team and have fun at work, the decisive factor is not the grades but the character.

First of all, we check the documents you send us, this usually happens within several days. After the checks, we will contact you and arrange an appointment for an interview. After this, you should receive feedback from us a short time later.

Basically, each conversation is conducted individually. The questions and topics are dependent of the job you are applying for. Basically, however, it is expected that applicants know where they are applying and what the company does.

Of course, this is done quite unbureaucratically. As a rule, you will receive feedback on the last day of the internship whether you will be hired or not. With a trial work you can get an overview of the company and the work in peace.

Unsolicited applications are always welcome. Even if there is no vacancy available, we will be happy to get back to you.

Do you have any questions about a position we offer? Our personnel department can be reached by telephone on the following number: 04465-80790 and will provide you with advice and assistance.

You would like to apply intiatively?
No problem, feel free to write to us.